
Eastleigh College

Eastleigh College is one of the country's few 'Beacon Colleges', recognised for our high standards of teaching and achievement. We are proud to be in the top ten per cent of general further education colleges nationally, being recognised widely for our high standards of teaching and learner support.

We are constantly working to develop a wide range of programmes that provide you with the skills and knowledge for a highly rewarding future. As a college we are successful in supporting our learners in their chosen area of study, their progression into employment or enabling individuals to develop their career, and as such Ofsted has graded us as Outstanding.

More than 20,000 learners from across the country choose to study with us every year. They benefit from our support, achieve excellent results and rate us with very high satisfaction scores. We truly believe that this is a fantastic place to study and would love to welcome you to our college in the future.

If you would like any advice and support in making a decision about which programme is right for you, or information on the opportunities each programme can offer, then please contact our Information, Advice and Guidance team who will be happy to assist you. 

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