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Coleg Sir Gar

The college offers a wide range of university accredited courses for part-time and full-time students.  Courses range from a wealth of art and design degree courses offered in partnership with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David to a range of part-time provision in areas such as business management and engineering.

Studying in Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire is situated across the coast of south-west Wales.  It boasts beautiful coastlines and beaches as well as historical attractions such as castles dating back to the 13th century.  The county is also host to the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas’s boathouse in Laugharne and a number of quaint seaside towns.  As well as the countryside, there are a large number of towns spread across Carmarthenshire which offer high-street shops, modern cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs, for when you need a break from your studies.

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